Why people resort to violence and take up arms?
Why do they resent uprooting of their farms?
Do we have any rights to uproot them and cause any harm?
How can relations remain cordial and warm?
There is people’s war against the apathy and misrule
There may be thousand of schemes with book rules
Who cares for book value if it lacks sincerity with good intent?
Do they have no right to differ and vehemently oppose and lament?
This is how armed struggle is resorted to and leads to violence
Disruption of normal traffic resulting into bloodbath hence
Why such revolutions take place when it has been rejected and uprooted?
Why innocents are killed in day light and looted?
There is no answer from civilized world to offer any solution
What can be root cause? Is it not the power leading to devolution?
No satisfactory answer may be found till it has reached its dead end
You will know nothing about who is your foe or real friend
It needs careful approach with application of mind
The problem needs address and new solutions to find
Why at all they should take the path of armed struggle?
It makes us weary of things as it creates more puzzles
There is complete failure on our part to reach out to them
They are carried away by poisonous thoughts and overwhelmed
There is need for resurrection and humanitarian approach
We must go in with different solution and ask for new ideas or vouch
This is not new development and has come all of sudden
It may be backed by others powers known as foreign
They may have their ulterior motives to be met
They have evil designs and goal is already set
They may not allow peace to descend on the soil
We must take all precautions for their moves to foil
It is not in our interest to keep the pot all the time boiling
It may have long implications and relations may be spoiling
If one section of population is alienated from mainland
The discontent may spread over other parts to crate different brand
It may result into secession of some of the territories to go for independence
Neither is it desired not appreciated
It leads to disaster and atmosphere stands vitiated
There is distrust and spread of whole scale violence
It has got no meaning in democracy’s presence
It is people’s right o differ
We are here to rectify and offer
Some solutions to their satisfaction
That may be healthy sign and good indication