To the girl I loved:
We tried to make it work, we tried to see it through,
We tried to stay loyal, faithful and be true
to one another, who would’ve thought what we had would end
So suddenly, abundantly, we were never lovers.
But I really tried to make it work, you gotta give me that,
I tried to start it all back over, but you never called me back.
So how’s a simple man like me, live a life that’s made,
When the only girl he’s ever loved says she’ll never feel the same.
Crying to my pillow, I cant forget the past,
Writing letters that I’ll never mail that whined up in the trash.
Am I the only one who loses his voice when I make a call?
This phone is feeling heavier every time I make that call.
We seemed happy around our friends but behind these closed doors,
You’re stabbing our relationship with your hidden rose thorns.
I have my share on the reason why we split,
But the reason not to try again was you and now it hurts within.
To the friend I lost:
Now, every girl that I date,
likes me for a moment but cant see me in their fate.
I might hook up with a girl and think that she may get me,
Ask her out like 7 times but every time she says she busy.
I’m a grown man, I can take NO for an answer!
So why don’t you tell me straight out, or being drunk is why it happened.
I thought the choices that I made always had a blessed end,
I would’ve stopped if I knew what I did would cost my best friend.
I don’t always make the right moves or say the right things,
My intentions in life are good, I make mistakes it seems
I’m only human, there’s times that I feel like useless help,
Been hurt in many ways and been stupid as well.
What’s done is done, there’s no going back,
No changing on what happened, I’ll take the blame I can.
I’m use to losing friends, it’s nothing new to me,
I did everything I could to make it the way it used to be…but not you.
©2009-2010 Jason Finch