You probably remember this when you were a kid.
Do you remember when you’d get so mad because you were blamed for something you never touched,
But all you could say was ‘sorry’ because you didn’t want to argue.
Remember when everytime you’d say ‘I’m sorry,’
Your mother or father would say ‘Sorry doesn’t cut it.’
Sorry doesn’t cut it,
Sorry doesn’t save people,
Sorry doesn’t bring the dead back to life,
Sorry doesn’t make it okay.
Do you remember when your guardian would tell you that it was your fault for being there at the wrong time,
And all you could say was ‘I’m sorry.’
Wasn’t there always a person to say that you did something that you didn’t know was bad,
And your only response was ‘Sorry.’
Just because your older and there’s more people to blame,
You’re always going to favour the response of ‘I’m sorry’ because you can’t think of anything too quick so that no one would get angrier.
I hate the fact that we live in a world where sorry’s and I don’t know’s exist.
I hate that no one can think of something more knowledgable to say,
Bet you anything I spelt that wrong.
There’s days where saying sorry is the only thing you could manage without tears forming.
“Saying sorry is just like saying good bye.”