There is a choice along life’s way, That I do need to make.
Do I choose to leave the old life behind, There’s a new path to take.
A time of good bye will never be easy, It brings so much pain.
No! no more restrain, I have to choose, to go forward, So that I can gain.
A time to go along life’s way, A time to start again. A time to find my destiny, A time to heal from pain.
A certain peace I long to find, I roam along the way. Oh! God I cry to you for help, As I take time out, to pray.
It’s hard to say good bye to friends, you have met along life’s way.
Especially those who have hurt with you, On your darkest day.
But they will always be there to talk with and to cry, Also to remember those hurting times, When I would ask them why.
But that is just the meaning of a close and special friend, They’ll always remember, and think of you, as a life you seek to mend.
I pray that God His peace and love upon you, He will send.
So all the broken dreams of our lives, will now be at the end.