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I feel hurt for him, the creator of this amazing place, the maker of this this exceptional world…

We plant gorgeous gardens, paradise like parks and take care of our lawns,
But do many of us give him credit, or do we feel its beauty is due to us ??

An extraordinary artist he is, talented beyond what we could ever imagine,
but don’t many worship and forever awe Van Gogh and Da Vinci, far more then him ??

The sun shines or the rain falls and, if we take the time, we bask in its presents,
But don’t ones at times get mad at and believe he does not care for us. ??

We want love, need love and look everywhere through life for love,
But do we even think twice that the one above may want that too. ??

Though there is a truth out there, we walk around frustrated and unhappy with life,
but have not many chosen not to look for the answers but have let society guide there thinking instead. ??

Or we look for the answers where WE want to see them,
But ignore the truth that stares us in our face. ??

Many have decided to believe that he does not exist or does not care.
But have many chosen not to care about him, and think that it is okay ??

Some live their lives to do as they please, as they see fit,
But don’t you hear them cry for him and want help when it comes to selfish states. ??

Self centered acts and thoughts, even abandonment are justified in our mind toward our maker,
but when someone acts that way to us are they not terrible people. ??

We see many disgusting acts around the world, and some even blame him for not stopping it
But everyday do not many walk away from him to guide their own steps ??

The one we should hate the most the one causing all the world pain, is the one many follow,
Yet he that has loved us with everything and is the giver of every good gift and perfect present has been shut out and de-friended . ??

Humans play the victim, but maybe, could we actually be the assaulter ??
