Styx and Stones
Styx and Stones, can break your bones,
they can leave you with cuts and bruises
a broken heart, can go on and on
it’s sad, when somebody loses
the things that they love,
the things that define them,
the things so dear to their heart
they fill you with lies,
right in front of you eyes,
they think they’re so damn smart
porcupine quills, over-due bills,
are more things that can give you pain
but a stab in the back, or hung on the rack,
will leave more than a mark or a stain
smiles from heaven above,
smiles from the one you love,
smiles from a complete stranger
kisses in a dish,
kisses when you wish,
look for warnings of danger
Styx and Stones, mortgages and loans,
the fat cats are still getting fatter
they scoff and pretend, they’ve been honest to the end,
while sneaking a bun off your platter
Gomer LePoet