Sugar coated grief is a thief of time…
It steals our good times-which should be a crime.
Be-stay these lies to hide all bad facts…
These lies only paint a covered picture.
Seen thru tinted lenses with little clarity, only an unclear tincture…
Why not face facts, no matter how sad?…
Can that be sadistic, or sparingly bad?
Death of a loved one must be met direct…
Visits to shrinks are not needed, put that brain back on track.
Your brain does not need to be cut or studied…
You should not commit to your brain an unwanted act or cut it
to begin an act of dismal disect…
Your brain does not need to be over examined or cut well bloodied…
Your wallet’s money should not be controlled by others as
easily as silly puttied.
We must face the facts no matter how sad…
We’ll get back to our life, in time it won’t be too bad.
We can cumfort one in times of sadness…
As long as the grief stricken person realizes that they need to reach
for a refigured life of welcomed gladness.