That lazy fat old ginger cat
Slept by the fence each day,
Alone he stayed within the shade
And never moved away.
When folks passed by he raised an eye
And cast a vengeful stare,
They tried their best to let him rest
In peace and comfort there.
He’d only wake for meals of steak
That’s all he ever ate,
Then with aplomb it soon was gone
And then he licked his plate.
When he was stuffed and had enough
And could not eat no more,
In slumbers deep he’d fall asleep
And soon began to snore.
They thought it strange he did not change
The same until he died,
Then on that spot they made a plot
And laid him down inside.
They mourned his loss so made a cross
And pushed it in the ground,
And then beneath they placed a wreath
Upon that little mound.
“Here lies that fat old ginger cat
A kind and faithful friend,
It’s with regret he slept and slept
Right till the very end.”