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The Ship Called Poetfreak

They say that on the open sea
a ship is at the whim
of God Poseidon, it is he
who takes a rather dim
old fashioned view of all events
and often he accuses
man and his weird predicaments
and all his silly ruses.
The ship Four M, as it is known
was big but quite unsteady
it is too late now to bemoan
its quality, be ready
to listen to this sailor’s tale
of storms and raging seas,
which saw the captain badly fail
the crew all on their knees.
He was quite keen to leave the ship,
there was a mighty panic,
one Brit retained his upper lip,
he’d been on the Titanic.
The passengers raced for the boats
to flee the great disaster,
most left their wallets and their coats
behind, ran ever faster.
A curious thing though happened then
there was a bloke named Hermann,
among the women and the men
he knew about the vermin.
He tricked the critters who were set
to leave the sinking liner,
as rats are known (yes you may bet)
he lured them to the diner.
There, on the table were the scraps
of steak and fresh crustaceans,
plus spirit bottles sans their caps
from many global nations.
He dimmed the lights and hit the switch
for Mozart and Frans Liszt,
then locked the doors, a measure which
the filthy rats all missed.
Thus they remained on prison ground,
their bellies getting fatter,
and soon the little shitters drowned,
together with the Ratter,
which was the captain in command
he had not served the folks,
the passengers soon spotted land
and started telling jokes.
It seemed that most would transfer soon
onto another ship,
and sail through guidance of the Moon
and would enjoy the trip.
From Hunter’s decks to Poetfreaks
the choice was simply logic,
for what the poets truly seek
is never demagogic.
