left so completely hollow, I ask you to fill me
with the yet unbroken promise, I sustain myself
Knowing, believing, that you, will fill me
on the brink of shattering
I sustain myself
I believe in you
I know that you, not everyone else, but you
will not let me break
and yet when i wake.
And broken
This cant be right
You were suppose to fill me
I’m a mountain when i am full
Nothing can crack me
Impregnatable, solid, firm
Nothing can break me
yet here i am
And alone
What happened to her
she must be hurt
even in this state all i think of
is her
she would never let me fall
She promised
and as I am swept up
and placed into the trash
I still think
I hope she is alright
Written By Beau Bennett 04/17/09
Dedicated to: A.P.