I walk into a dark enchanted forest of life
My childhood happily skipping along
Hands clasping mine in glee as I smile
The stars shine and fall above our heads
As the imaginary world revolves around us
A wonder of wonder we only see in dreams
Pixie music fills the air with life
Dancing with fairies around us
My childhood and I can only smile
As the pixies and fairies follow along
While we reach out above our heads
Trying hard to catch our dreams
The owl sitting on a stump with a smile
As if it knew the secret all along
Such a world could bring such life
With wings open it flies above our heads
Bidding farewell to the wondrous dreams
That my childhood and I brought with us
This forest is no longer dark to us
My childhood and I follow our dreams
Through the woods to a pool of life
Mermaids look up at us with a smile
Playing golden harps and singing along
With music notes floating above their heads
A rainbow in the sky brings a smile
Its colors are all vibrant with life
And lighting bugs dance along
Making halos around our heads
No world could be as magical to us
Then the world of our own dreams
The owl flies by with a warning over our heads
And the rest of this gracious world follows along
My childhood looks up at me with a sad smile
As an unspoken secret passes between us
It was time to leave this land of dreams
I leave my childhood and return to real life
I awake with a mournful smile
Because real life heads along a different path
Then the dreams we made for us