Females stand for another name called shyness
They are reserved and don’t come out with openness
This is precious gift from God and they are truly aligned
No one can think of deserting them and so they stay unaligned
They are often compared to a plant called “touch me not”
The plant straight way shrink even if you go near and simply touch
Its condition is compared to that of beautiful woman
Little closeness may compel them to run away from man
Thousands of thoughts just come in mind and disappear
Few sweet words from her may remove this fear
We will forget all our pains and try to go near
Both may then vow to see each other, share and bear
This is how the relation develops when they come closer
Shyness may disappear and may prefer for exposure
It may make her stand very clear and also reassure
She may go in for the bond and feel very secure
The nature has put same feeling in plants and women
They act in same way as possibly do the humans
They shy away in anger or happiness with slight pretext
They don’t wait for any explanation or go through the text
“Touch me not” open up with first day light
Come to boom when everything is right
They are open to embrace but go down with shame
It is their inherent weakness and we can’t blame
They need smooth touch with delicacy
They don’t prefer exposure on regular frequency
Females also shut eyes if matters complicate
It is nothing but shyness, and eagerness to indicate
I may mushroom and naturally bloom,
Moment you touch me, my face become gloom,
Even if you close the doors and windows in room,
Face may get reddishness as shyness zoom
“Touch me not” say I won’t allow
Not shake hand with words “hello”
Ladies may hide face in pillow
Never look up by keeping eyes below,
Allow it to happen in natural way
You wait for it until hear the clear say
Respect my feelings and allow me to grow
You need not loose hope as I may come close and show
Female partner or ladies always like safe fold,
Handsome gentleman may look very bold,
Body may burn with disappearance of cold
Soul and body may combine and never feel left out or sold
Ladies may not take lead and start the initiative
They may prefer to remain inactive
This is apparent from their known action
The fears and doubts must go off without any reaction