Interlaced by various thoughts; entwined by consciousness.
The branches of actions where one hit provokes another, lain effortlessly,
By the slightest slip of so many discrete substances,
It failed to look beyond the restrictions, the consequences,
Limitations, familiar to my mind, not practiced by my thoughts,
It touched the sky, synced the colours, conquered the depths,
Amidst that, became a slave of my mere emotions, articulated clumsiness,
Leaving me in disdain, leaving me just a victim of ignorance, self-inflicted,
It deciphered the meaning of delay and difference; it knew,
Yet situational series of self-defined thoughts emerged showy,
Well, the aftermath, now seems plain, twaddle and flimsy,
Peradventure, you barged in, held hostage of my thoughts, instructed, reaped without sowing and barged out, all just too quickly,
It knew those branches needed to be threaded by a single but solid rope of spirituality,
That rope, tied in vain some claimed, tied for a purpose my mind pegged,
For my mind to become less tricky, it knew which door to knock at,
It knew how to renew the soul; it knew the direction, the thoroughfare,
In short, you butchered my mind and everything that makes it,
Tricked my mind, mismatched my thoughts, bruised my consciousness,
Thoughts of mine would not stop fluttering, as if to refute those moments with you,
Fluttering thoughts; Fluttering thoughts, flutter less!
Hands of my Saviour will have me to sin not or less, appreciate more!
For tricky mind of mine to be mine, ostensibly!