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Usama Bin Laden

Hated by a great part of humanity
and blessed by maybe more
and his desperate deeds
that pulled people out of live,
a super country couldn’t stop.

Miserable to his soul
that a super power used him and his people
as pawns in a power struggle
and later left them like rubbish on a dump,
he made that power
pay a sacrifice for her deeds.

True to his religion
and steadfast to what he believe,
nobody and nothing
could stop him in his decisions
and ultimate mission.

What looked to others
like insanity,
he achieved
and struck unexpected
out of a wide blue sky.

Thousands of bombs
rain down from the air
and nobody can stop
the anger of a perplexed super power,
where her soldiers
with overpowering force and weaponry
kill their enemy and the innocent
and sow havoc in Arabic countries.

Even Saddam Hussein
had to pay a price,
but huge wealth and almost
unstoppable intelligence sources
Cannot find Usama,
while the raging dragon
destroys blindly.

If you look at his character
as a person
and take Bin Laden out of the war,
he has integrity and grace
and he stays dedicated
to his god and people
and are willing to sacrifice everything
to get a sort of justice.

For some Adolf Hitler was great
and Stalin a hero
and still it can change nothing
to the impact,
of their and Bin Ladin’s deeds
as mass killers
that nobody can make undone.

Like many before him,
he’s one man’s terrorist
and another’s freedom fighter
and the things that his followers do
puts blood on his hands
and their deeds shout
to the highest heavens.

I wonder what the warnings
that he gives to his enemy
really mean and if again,
death bells
will toll in that Western land?

Maybe New York, Los Angeles,
San Francisco, Boston
or Washington
will burn like candles
in the sky
and it will let Nagasaki and Hiroshima
look like a childs game.

It’s just sorry
that the innocent pay the highest price,
while politicians, the bosses of the CIA
and people that control
the lives of others,
stays untouched
and others gets the punishment for it
and Usama still remains free.
