You say dad this is the decision I’ve made today
I can’t sit tight I’ve got to stand up and fight.
You say mom I’ve got to go and fight to make
things right.
She sits by the fire everyday and night
wondering when her baby’s coming back
from the fight.
She sits by the front door day after day,
praying for a little peace in this world no doubt.
What does war do?
It leave’s mother’s crying someone’s brother dying.
The souls who risk there lives day and
night know they’ve got to stand up and fight.
They know they’ve got to do something to
make things better tonight.
but peace won’t come in just one night.
So she says will baby I’m praying for you
every day and night and I just hope in my
heart that my baby will be alright and come
home tonight.
Copyright © 2006 Janell Cressman