I have seen
brave men passing me.
Men who were composed
when death came agonising by
and stuck to the training
taught before
I have seen men believing
that victory belongs
to those that really dare
and snatching immortality
from the claws of death
against an outnumbering foe.
Still the meaning of it all
isn’t clear to me
and what battles and wars won
really bought?
I have seen good men
giving up their lives here
and sick of the impact of crime,
loosing hope for a future,
going away to stay
in another country.
I have seen wild men
making a life
out of whatever
destiny bestowed on them
and living it up
before the years
of old age could come.
I have seen grave men
calculating the cost
of investing in a desperate society
and deciding that all is lost
and withdrawing their investments
to make other opportunities
their goal.
I have seen great men
building up their lives
and starting new careers
from the ruins
of bankruptcy and unemployment
and against unfair laws
and black economic empowerment,
prospering from the lessons learnt
from life.
The question remains with me:
where do I fit
into it all?