the dust in clouds in the distance the dirt and mud in immediate front like a barren wasteland but not actually more like the setting…
Leave a Commentthe dust in clouds in the distance the dirt and mud in immediate front like a barren wasteland but not actually more like the setting…
Leave a CommentWell, another year has gone And I don’t know what to say Except, I’m glad it’s over No, wait– Well, it was Okay, I guess…
1 CommentWhat brings meaning to this life if novelty is king we live for things we cannot have yet hope that time will bring then take…
Leave a CommentTorquate gums float pollen stems to Overheated waters, not seeds, just Stories of drought and ideas of Adaptation, handed down survival. Continuance in the warming…
Leave a CommentToday as I look into my yesterday I can realize my life’s mistakes Could have changed things if I knew the way Looked for guidance…
Leave a CommentNovak Djokovic, Raphael Nadal, Roger Federer – what differences in style can strike the flame of Wow or coax a smile! The bludgeoning beast, Rafa,…
Leave a CommentAs blades were gliding across his bedroom walls, as a car was swishing by, another car coughing in the winter morning, as he stirred in…
Leave a CommentOnce in a while it happens, almost like a stroke of genius you’d wish to tear yourself away from. It had come – a single…
Leave a CommentYet was it just loneliness that saw what it saw, loneliness that simply turned away from facts, weaving consolation’s way? Yes, the lovely girl of…
Leave a CommentHow lovely she was walking in the room, the girl of eighteen, with glowing skin, all recalling a ship slowly coming in, reaching a harbor…
Leave a CommentIn the glowing tent she held his hand as he lay blanketed: the girl of eighteen, glowing, nursed him, restoring him, the traveler who long…
Leave a CommentOne night she came to me with eyes that gleamed as though promising me the world. She offered me the sway of the sea, heights…
Leave a Commentdamp soil, from my head on my pillow, in my bed gritty vines crawl down my leg and I sleep in the daytime.…
4 CommentsI’m a madman with a Jack Frost mindset, Cold as ice when it comes to my actions, Without a second glance at my conscience. You…
1 CommentI glimpse it for but a moment In her cautious eyes In those beautiful gems whose strength is destined to fade with the morrow Bloody…
2 CommentsFrom the depths of hollow to the sea of desolation this is what follows, The greed of darkness envelopes children who have acquainted themselves…
4 Commentsshfowuchdwnofmshalfformedandthedeformedwrtyuui donsdlnsvconspiredwiththeillformedqwenklqwedsddiui sonipsdvnosdvnsdlinkingtheirserratedtorso’sweiozsdjiii qweklasdfnklxcvxcvtosingacorrodedcreepsonglwefedsq wlwelkwersothehalfvenomouswellformednsdfbksdfdfh maybeburiedhopelesslydeepsksjsdbjisdgjsdsdfsdfsdhsd Then the creator interfered It’s quite a blank page again
1 CommentI watched the world end, And I’ve seen it born anew. Dearest one, I watched the world end. I watched the wars go on…
1 CommentMaybe I should rhyme shit that dimwit couldn’t rhyme with to make m’ quit with the dumb shit or create a little distance between me…
Leave a CommentDear friend of mine This story has only just begun Yet the kind warmth in your eyes whispers of lifetimes Lifetimes spent smiling Laughing Crying…