Daddy God doesn’t want us to have no stress and no worries by steadily being the great encourager of encouragement to give us physically and…
Leave a CommentDaddy God doesn’t want us to have no stress and no worries by steadily being the great encourager of encouragement to give us physically and…
Leave a CommentMy sweet Jesus is bubblicious as well as nutritious on a physical and spiritual level. With Him by my side I feel a sense of…
Leave a CommentOur God is cleaning spiritual poop that’s lingering around and this is a divine sign that He is in the process of cleaning our spiritual…
Leave a CommentWe got to start operating and stepping into our God given potential which is essential. Daddy God has blessings in store and He wants us…
Leave a CommentBeen down the road Headin’ due south Fed up with the cold But not my gal We’s goin’ to the warmth To sit in the…
2 CommentsWith some we connect but once and that once may not be enough, so the onus on us is to connect well. …
1 Comment(None of these quotes about the wise and the fool are mine.) Sometimes you just have to play the role of a fool to fool…
1 CommentThere is a spiritual earthquake happening in the realm of the spirit. We got to tap into the secret place of God for our protection…
Leave a Comment(commemorating Mevlana Jalaladeen Rumi ~~*~~ First Leaf: “Radiantly Dark” I have wandered the moon-smitten byways of earth and not seen a divinity as radiantly dark…
Leave a CommentWe cling to what we know finding comfort in the usual and for fear of the unknown we’ll remain clinging while stagnant. We cling to…
1 CommentOur God is going to make us one hundred percent stronger in our faith which includes our trust in Him. He is getting ready to…
Leave a CommentPhysically and spiritually we got to tap into the anointing to push through no matter what we face on a daily basis. We cannot afford…
Leave a CommentTake that bold step up to my words, linger until they have had their fill, each party imbuing the other, overflowing with the permeate of…
1 CommentA brand new year has began as we welcome 2025 waters passed under the bridge an old contract nullified. At last an old portal has…
1 CommentOur circumstances and our trials are like deadly poison to our hearts and minds but the good news is that they won’t kill us due…
1 CommentGod is our fortune and our fame with some heavenly swag to brag about Him. He is worth more than dollar bills due to the…
Leave a CommentWhenever the enemy gets it twisted in our lives His plans won’t physically and spiritually succeed. He thinks that He is winning big time but…
Leave a CommentWe are being gifted for the shift physically everybody and we are being gifted for the shift spiritually everybody. Nothing can block or stop us…
Leave a CommentI am tapping into my poetic ritual to bring healing to all with the nonstop help of God. As this is being put into practice…
Leave a CommentWe are being empowered to do the impossible physically and we are being empowered to do the impossible spiritually. There is a mighty connection taking…
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