a kitten followed me home poor bedraggled looking thing i stopped, looked at him, he at me picked him up took the furry ball home…
Comments closeda kitten followed me home poor bedraggled looking thing i stopped, looked at him, he at me picked him up took the furry ball home…
Comments closedfriends come and friends go some just passing by others stay in your heart leaving their own song some you say bye to some with…
Comments closedpitter patter pitter patter what a funny sound on my window pane so i looked outside thought oh! must be rain wow raining it was…
Comments closedmorning has broken, CRACK! sundrops fall to the earth below OUCH OUCH DARN SUN! the flowers welcome the day SIZZLE! (sun snickering) the sky a…
Comments closeda being is just a being and nothing is really none this could be silly stuff or a fact you dissapprove of something is something…
Comments closedhe was tender he was gentle light of my life lover so sweet honey paled before him he was a man he was a boy…
Comments closedyour six years old and your boyfriend (he hates it when you call him that) go to the ice cream parlour so many flavors, can’t…
Comments closedthat day, you went away the flowers all wilted that day, you went away the stars stopped twinkling that day, you went away day became…
Comments closedan african daisy greeted the day brillant in shades of orange white and yellow and the baby blue eyes cup shaped to catch the suns…
Comments closedthe beat was movin the swamp was groovin the old alligator played the horn while the snake beat a mean rhythm on the turtles shell…
Comments closedhow many tears can one cry how many tiimes can i sigh with all that happens in a life i guess a good supply would…
Comments closedon the tips of ocean waves the sun played and sparkled tiny boats sailed on by following one by one tthen three dolphins sunk them…
Comments closedan avalanche of flowers from mountain top to the very bottom array of colors laughing and heady bouquets of lovely smells assualted one’s senses as…
Comments closeddigger dug a lot of deep ditches almost desperate in his constant digging mores the pity they all were down six feet under. They be…
Comments closedthe hills appear magic as a wash of flowers rioting in many colors spreading far and wide like a huge patterned quilt dots of white,…
Comments closedtalk about teeny! what a bikini shes walking on the beach a blue bikini that screams “dam, im sexy” the men were stopping whatever they…
Comments closedoutside of me i am a woman, a fighter believer of truth hater of liars inside of me is a child who cries a lot…
Comments closedbluebells are ringing winds carry the sound trees are yawning birds are in full cheep another beautiful morning take the time to look morning
Comments closedi should have realized when the sun nor the moon did not show up no twinkling stars just a heavy inky black like tar paper…
Comments closedbig red overblown balloons so round they almost burst big silk bows tied to them with strands of multi colored ribbons, hanging in a park,…
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