Every day is folded around A soft center, fragrant with heaven. To unwrap that moment Carefully peeling back The petals of every-day routine To find…
Comments closedEvery day is folded around A soft center, fragrant with heaven. To unwrap that moment Carefully peeling back The petals of every-day routine To find…
Comments closedTribal people who live by the river Know its constant journey, Throw time pieces into the rapids — Like pennies in the fountain — They…
Comments closedThe honeyed glow Of a huge full moon setting Looms in my rear view mirror And startles me as I negotiate Through light traffic Of…
Comments closedMy bare feet walk on the flagstone floor, those shattered pieces of river bottom. Smoothed by the lap of water, The long sanding of moving…
Comments closedI knew about drowning Long before love taught me: Eyes, nose, mouth filled with water, Holding my breath Until lungs screamed for air and my…
Comments closedSnowplows have been through here: heaps of dirty snow smudge the boundary between street and front yards on our side of the slick black tarmac,…
Comments closedWhite winter blossoms on frozen window panes: frost takes root and blooms
Comments closedMy face gets stiff Where the tears dry I feel it crack around that salt residue Like fine leaded crystal Shattered by a pitch too…
Comments closedThe yellow shade lets in the gray sunlight, Leaving a gold rim on our bodies – Like brass vases waiting to be filled. In that…
Comments closedA mason jar is crammed with ev’ry fragrance and hue of summer I gathered in my blue apron out-stretched as the sky over the sun-drenched…
Comments closedDark angels hover at windows Until the sun showers the stone cold floor with rainbows.
Comments closedSitting alone With my instrument in my lap I remember when A lover’s hand plucked music From wiry sinew strung across that deep and resonant…
Comments closedall scents from icy air but for pine and smoke ~snow erases~ all hues from a landscape but one cardinal…
Comments closedTheir broken limbs are stacked The way firewood is piled And lie covered with a pale snow-like powder. These manikins with damaged eyes staring glassily…
Comments closedFor some love devours them. As Romeo swallowed the poison And Juliet leapt into the knife, Burying it in her heart Preferring cold steel to…
Comments closedTwo men on a roof work in silence, shirts off, coppering on that slant; hammer aloft, arm silhouettes against the sun for that momentary pause…
Comments closedAs earth spins A wild clump of woolly clouds Into threads of light, Skein on skein Are wrapped around stray glimmers And become the moon.…
Comments closedSpeak to me only with your hands Not eyes for they cannot fathom this erotic sea, Nor words for they can lie, But touching, fingering…
Comments closedPre-dawn on the Caprock Is a flat, even line of horizon Appearing out of the night – A solitary stroke to indicate a mouth. Slowly…
Comments closedSteel gates creak As cold winds speak And sweep through the turnstiles Past the sign, “For Sale” Next to the carousel Where the worn horses…
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