The soft August rain drums down on our tent A wayward droplet crawls slowly, down a nylon slope Quiet shadows play inside, between the metal…
Comments closedThe soft August rain drums down on our tent A wayward droplet crawls slowly, down a nylon slope Quiet shadows play inside, between the metal…
Comments closedI want to tell you everything, I want to walk beside you and say nothing, I want to hear about your day, I want to…
Comments closedMy party hat is crushing my skull Elastic cutting into my neck Instinctively my hand reaches up It drops down, I resign with a sigh…
Comments closeddoes one bask in the pyramids as they commute glance at the Eiffel tower while raking their leaves feel the Alps as they’re hanging their…
Comments closedSwift, irreversible On the edge of your seat Ascend Powerful Tangible, solid Exciting, exhilarating Touch You have found it. Let your heart burst open for…
Comments closedyou are mine tonight you may feel me but it doesn’t matter you may give your consent but it isn’t needed you are wearing exactly…
Comments closedhave you ever felt love? not in your heart or head, but with your hands. tangible, malleable, electric. the second it touches you, it owns…
Comments closedcigarette down drink up cold in hand warm at heart wine down tobacco up inhaling death reflecting life glass on lips palate swirling grape filter…
Comments closedHow do I go to work? How do I finish my chores? How do I labour alone? Knowing that you are out there. With you,…
Comments closedto swim in your soul wrapped in the warmest wool, at winters biting best a grand-fatherly hug when your balloon flies away warm PJs from…
Comments closedI adore you I thirst for you I see you in rainbows mountains and canyons sunrises and sunsets I see you in all that cries…
Comments closedsun on your face sand on your back love in your eyes sweat on your brow lips on your neck hands on your hips waves…
Comments closedhand surfing up, down, left, right cupped hand catching the breeze scenery is all but a blur the sun hits my face wind flows fast…
Comments closedI never felt loved until I met you. I know, with no doubts or reservations, that I love you. I am yours fully. you own…
Comments closedHacienda hide-a-ways Coal fired sands Transistor transitions Beach towel beds Wind motivated boats Alcohol driven conversations Lemon tart smiles Montana skies Forever frozen
Comments closedI Live in the alleys Feed on left-over scraps Inhaling exhaust fumes sleep on Cardboard I wake With eyes on the ground Move with intent…
Comments closedKissed so hard I’m dizzy Squeezed so hard it hurts So head over heels I’m falling Splash Sinking into love Tingling skin, bursting heart Can’t…
Comments closed“Nothing romantic Well this is it” What was that? Find a wall Look, listen, feel “Twenty years Thought it’d be more” Leave me alone Right…
Comments closedWhat are you doing? How many times have I told you? Why would you do that? Who do you think you are? I towered over…
Comments closedbeer in hand walked the beach total blast beer shot in barrel never-miss beating beats soaked up rays poolside we leered, we stared talked and…
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