a Cheshire Cat grin low over the parking lot the moon beams alone
Comments closeda Cheshire Cat grin low over the parking lot the moon beams alone
Comments closedsucking on a twenty gauge – in the dead of night hurts too much to be afraid -so you’d better fight and turn that pain…
Comments closedOh hungry hiker beware the cassowary guards this ripe plum tree
Comments closedMavericks ridden but not broken like the bones of those stood watching
Comments closedthe only traffic cartwheeling across the street an empty juice bag
Comments closedHounds tooth patterned leaves bright rich colors turn to brown underneath the snow
Comments closedIn winter the rosebush linear barren dark against cold ashen skies stands defiant staid waiting ready to rise from the ashes phoenix flies roses bloom
Comments closedShe on the dune dead still while resting from her run hopeful coyotes beside themselves their hunger like lust hangs heavy in the air she…
Comments closedBy the man-made lake on a bed of wind blown reeds ten stolen minutes counting coup on passing clouds as they morph then melt away
Comments closedhe declared himself as unsmiling men sat eating meager lunches from brown paper bags staring at the oil-soaked ground between their tired feet “I’ll let…
Comments closedhungry pelicans drop as if dead from the sky to the living sea
Comments closednot knowing the rules that “experts” later would make Basho wrote haiku
Comments closedFifty nine Fairlane in the back seat siblings float as it catches air
Comments closedin the cold in the rain homelessness the choice of many according to Rush Limbaugh and his ilk why work when you can live for…
Comments closedUnder the burka skinny designer blue jeans the first stone is cast
Comments closedon the chalk board two names from two days ago yours and mine our game two days ago lingering in chalk white nearly immortal two…
Comments closedWhere is the egret my old breakfast companion the tide is half out
Comments closedFreckle to freckle my finger moving slowly tracing a new route …to nowhere.
Comments closedon the warm gray rock Nature’s own Whoopie Cushion a young copperhead
Comments closedat the cider press Amish boys in clean white shirts drinking from the trough
Comments closed