They lie side by side,
But apart, not touching,
Separated by inches,
Which may as well be miles.
Each in their own cocoon of thoughts,
Different Galaxies, in the same Universe.
It wasn’t always thus,
In the deep recesses of his mind
He could remember Closeness,
Kind words, Loving touches,
Minds and bodies as one,
When their World was young.
They both stirred, one from sleep,
The other in expectation,
Hoping, always hoping,
Before the days harsh light,
Banished the dream.
His mind screams,
But his voice is silent,
Too proud to beg.
Lying on that barren landscape,
He turns away, still separated,
He waits, but no longer hopes.
She is fully awake now
And sensing his longing, she rises
And makes him a nice cup of tea
After all, it is his Birthday
And they always could read each others mind.
Colin J…6th Jan 2007
Note: Came in a dream… On awakening I was able to recover most
of it, which I was then able to add bits to it, to arrive at this…
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Thank you..Colin.