Version 1.2.3. – Jan 2018.
- Fix E-mails.
Version 1.2. – July 2018.
- Only one "Advanced" Poem editor is available since now. - Even if you are not verified - you are now able to draft your new poems & delete/edit your previous poems.
Version 1.1.1. – Mid-May 2018.
- Substitute current verification process with mobile phone verification. This will make a huge boost on the verification process.
Version 1.1 – Release 8th of May 2018
- Reworked author profile bar after a poem - Added option to Flag a poem (report a spam) in the profile bar. Now if a poem gets few flags it might be hidden from public. Spam, Copyright issues, Insulting texts are prohibited. If author collects too many flags, all of his poems will be hidden from public. Poems will still be available to the author of a poem. - Added option to mark poem as your favourite in the profile bar - Added option to hide your favourites from public (check your account privacy settings for that) - Added bookmark tab on profile page (You can see your favourites and others in user's profile) - Added few emoji to the bar after a poem - Heart and like emoji will affect the "Rating" of a poem. More info on the Rating in future updates. - Added Changelog page - Added F.A.Q. page - Fixed minor design issues - Minor security improvements
Version 1.0
- Initial release