I’ve bit my nails all my Life
What do you think of that for Strife
Indecision, Lack of will,
Or a different pill?
I’ve always wondered what it meant,
You see I’ve always been Content
I love my Life, how I exist
But still this habit does persist.
Faith in myself I’ve always had
And never wished any bad
No troubles from a different time
You see, my Childhood was sublime
Loving parents and good friends
The sunshine never seemed to end.
So why this minor deviance
A nibble here, a nibble there
Who knows, who cares
For there’s no chance
That it will get a second Glance
I love my Life, my Wife, my Kin
To bite One’s nails is not a Sin
Colin J… 25 June 2007
Note: A factual poem, written after a remark about people who bite their nails… Do they do anyone any harm? …
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Thank you…Colin