I love you and you love me,
Is this not how it’s meant to be?
Together for so many years,
Some ones good, some ones not,
But, on the whole, loving years,
That should not be forgot.
As we grow old we may forget
That which later, we may regret,
When on our own, with time surfeit.
Should they be tried in some indifferent court?
These years of ours for which we’ve fought
For what is yours, or what is mine,
Who would win, it’s just a crime
It’s just a question about our Life
How we are, how we suffice.
To continue as we are,
To pass another, sometimes, mundane hour
Or should we split apart, forever?
Our hopes and dreams turned sour.
The answer to this question is,
Without you I could not live
You are the absolute,
Total meaning of my Life
That is why I Love you
Colin J… 24th May 2007
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