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A Voice Full of Sound and Fury – I

With sound and fury the storm crossed the seashore
But the destruction left behind is beyond words to say.
The hue and cry of the people was heard endless
Despite the enormous relief offered for a little solace.
For, material compensation can’t equalise human loss!
The irreparable tragedy occurred and passed unnoticed;
The unexpected Nature’s fury is beyond human control
However powerful man is over Nature certain times.

There are people who raise issues with sound and fury;
When asked for solution they simply giggle and laugh
Pointing the askers ridiculously “are you joking? ”
And say challengingly “when our pots are not boiling,
Let us see how your pots can boil” with sound and fury!

Discipline begins in education and stabilises in work;
It kindles love to know truth and love to do service;
Love of God is the beginning of knowledge or wisdom;
Wisdom lies in love and knowledge, sweet and light.
Noise and force are tactics of savage to do all by fear;
Sweet and light are the means of wise to do all by love.
Indeed not by fear but love only all can be achieved!

Names of God may be many but God is one only;
World religions are many but faith in God is the same
Though with sound and fury or sweet and light we pray;
But religionists fight with sound and fury for identity;
And so, differences come up putting people in perplexity!

Israelis or Palestinians, Indians or Pakistanis or Chinese,
Muslims or Christians, Hindus or Muslims or Jews,
Flesh, bone and blood are of the same Homo sapiens.
Politicians of all nations are supposed to serve the people,
But what the hell are they doing everywhere in everything!

As mosquitoes they breed corruption and sell national secrets;
Drain national wealth as rivers wastefully flowing into the seas;
Rule not to bring peace and prosperity but perpetuate poverty;
Class, colour and creed they use to divide and rule the country;
For their advantage they split society to breed rivalry forever;
Encourage hatred, violence with sound and fury to play politics
And developments grow less and less and parties more and more!
