Impressive in Teutonic robe,
no wig but earnest lines that spoke
of pitfalls and the human mind,
possessed by greed and fest’ring need.
He had been there a thousand times,
seen shifty eyes and fidget fingers that
betrayed the trace of turmoil still in place
in here, the sober halls, so scarce of fame.
As my most able man, adviser to the lost
and shamelessly betrayed,
allowed his points to flutter high
inside the silence of Justicia’s home,
then to descend upon the learned minds
to open doors and wounds devoid of scabs.
Impartial was the ambience of the judge,
he had, of course, decided on the truth
which lay before us all, a fragile thing,
but filled with beauty of the essence of a man.
‘You will, it so appears, not stand and face
what through your hands has brought you shame
and to the world you call your own,
I urge you, Sir, to act in worthiness of what
the tailor has created in your salt and pepper suit.’
I sat and thought and took great care to take it all
within the nervousness of innocence of mind,
flashes of goodness came as fleetingly as stars,
to shoot from firmament to God’s elusive plan
and faces smiled their little smiles just as they passed,
leaving behind a wake of courage to be shared,
and staring down the human trash dressed up to be
what in his life he never ever could attain.
There was sweet victory, yet no one cracked a smile,
their bag of tricks found little gems to fill their spades,
it will be years they say, a monster of a while,
but we shall have that feast of wine and accolades.
No evil can and will prevail unless we fail
or crawl beneath the bush of juniper to hide,
I shall stand proud and be the skipper of my sail
until the day they say that bastard pair have died.