Of Calydorn he speaks each night while drinking bitter ale.
Of battles won and battles lost out on the planes of Veil.
His own armorment of sword and shield, leather and chainmail.
The mighty stead he rode in battle and hunting the Great Thorn Tail.
The blackened stone of fortress walls, from Dragons fiery breath.
Wizards who cast their magic spells at a kings request.
The bewitched moat the encircles the castle and it’s spiked drawbridge entrance.
The way the two moons violet light gave it all a spectral appearance.
The inner halls he walked and could feel the magic’s whispering ways.
It flowed as wine upon the air to affect all things fey.
Yes, his tales he will share with you anytime, for a cup of ale that’s free.
Each gulp he takes germanates the details like a seed.
The young men and the old, gather round him to listen,
Captivated by his words and the unfolding vision.
While ale is flowing freely, he speaks low as if he shouldn’t tell
About the other beings that lived within Calydorns realm.
he tells them all about the Gnomes who lived in the woods.
Grumpy tricksters that they be, kept most tresspassers lost for good.
How the green and silver Pixies tended to the flowers.
Flitting here and there, tirelessly for hours.
Then he tells them of the Brownies who never really worked a day.
They use their mystic little powers to do their chores so they can joke and play.
Of his favorite creature he loved to speak was the Majestic Unicorn.
With it’s powers over life and death and golden rings within its horn.
Yes, he tells of creatures unheard of by them, that he experienced each day.
And how when people choose not to believe, magic will simply die away.
That was the times within his telling he seemed to fade into his own mind.
His red rimmed eyes would go dull and his teeth he would grind.
Then a single tear would slide down his stubbled cheek.
And once again he would drink and continue to speak.
Solemnly he now tells of what befell his world.
And how he landed in their midst, while his drink he would swirl.
Of a rogue wizard who’s lust for power ended when he tried to steal the Dragons breath
The ensuing explosion ened all life and brought about Calydorns death.
How the portal that was hastily opened to save any creatures that could follow.
had an unexpected mutation quality. Now in his own pity he does wallow.
He marked his own fate that day when he stepped through the portal.
No longer an enchanted warrior long lived, he is now just a mere mortal.
The grumpy Gnomes now decorate yards and gardens with smiles frozen on their face.
Pixies are now Humming Birds who dart flower to flower with speed and grace.
Wizards who made it through now speak to spirits for T.V. show ratings.
Brownies now bake cookies, to be sold by little girls out side grocery stores waiting.
But the hardest thing there is that he has to tell,
Is the once regal Unicorn are now the seas Nar Whales.
yes, it’s Calydorn he dreams each night drunk on bitter ale…..