Am infected by something
into my deepest being.
Mount me
like a prize horse
I need to feel
your lips
massaging me
with great intent,
manoeuver down
rub your body
close to mine
the moan
of blissful ecstasy
thrills my ear
anyway you can please me
let me journey
through your mind
find emotions
you like to hide
with the taste
of old wine
upon your lips
I close my eyes
imagine myself
a butterfly
fanning the warm air
soft, silken pinions
brilliant and fair
a prisoner
poor fluttering
sporting in the sunlight
my day
at the longest
scarcely a span
being gay
while I can.
Surfing the blue
unclouded space
you kissed me
taking my breath away
stars in their orbits
shone pale through light
beams upon the waves
as distant fire flare
at night.
Written by :- Giselle Joseph