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Death is a Comma

A pause that imply nothing, but the human form will read more into it.

Merely by default of character one must analysis
the very vague yet tiny mindset of such object,
Which is almost mind-boggling a challenge of will
yet empowering discoveries of a lesser charge.
To fulfill an incapability or to enlarge a fragment of the human mind,
maybe a mellow drama that is unworthy of such life form
the quite obvious of mankind can’t interpret reasoning on such dramatic pause.
Looking for scientific specifications the act is in the upbringing of
the growth in brain matter or complete opposite attraction of peer pressure.
Others complicate it by assuming free thought and ending to all things.
“Death be not proud”….
Barriers between the bridges it isn’t a fact of the end
Only the beginning as the bible shall compete with the opposite
Encouraging the pleasurable comfort of the after life
Blissful forever more, while the complicated part is rather the mind can fathom the abrupt departure from life form to decay in the comforts of dirt and maggots
Terminating spirit from body the experiment is quite fascinating
Sharing the body with the earth
Venturing beyond the belief of praise the standards of typical knowledge
Which apply to any text in is form is simply a bit dreadful and irrelevant to its assumed cause. It is merely an insignificant detail that is overshadow
Calling all substances that is close to a near death or death itself
The implications isn’t a matter of being dishonest with the mind
But rather to take apart the assumption piece by piece to sacrifice ones belief in it and deny it access to the formula or maybe to inform the product of reasoning
Vanquishing the barriers separating life, the over dramatic death and eternal life
“Thou shall die….”

