Everything is about to change and I am so scarred
of loosing everything. My brother moved out and
that seems strange, he’s now got his own life, and
ours have changed. My other brother is getting
married this summer and that seems strange, are
relationship is different, But I didn’t want it to change.
I get another sister and that is great. I will treasure
having another sister as great as her. life is a journey,
but lifes journey doesn’t always turn out the way we
think it should, but we do learn to take what we are
given and make the most of it. This past year I have
grown so much in so many ways, but after this summer
nothing will be the same.But maybe it’s time for a
change. It is time for my life to change and that my friends
is just a part of life. Luckily for me I am right where I need to be.
Copyright © 2007 Janell Cressman