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The Dark Dream

Fire breathing sentinels patrol the midnight skies
If only I could see the world, looking through your eyes
Steel lightning flashes blinding, ripping through the night
If only I could see the world when you give me your sight
Cotton clouds go sailing by, upon a sea of black
The moon rises slowly with the heavens on it’s back
when eyes look lower and fall upon the land
I see the trees reach up to you, like huge skeletal hands
The wind howls and screeches a ghastly symphony
The grass, the plains and prairies dance so eerily
The jutted mountain peaks stab skies from below
The fire breathing dragon flies, with it’s young in tow
I wipe my eyes hurriedly to clear the sights I see
The sentinels and the dragons are staring back at me
Through diamond eyes that sparkle fluorescent green
My heart beats a crescendo, as I am sure that I am seen
The dragon turns towards me and flies with might and gust
I’ve got to escape before I’m burned and turned to dust
I turn and run so fast with everything I’ve got
But as I look around me, I’m running in one spot
I turn to look behind me, if dragon I still see
The dragon is advancing and getting close to me
I let out a howl, that covers the winds ghostly song
Mind racing with the thoughts of where did I go wrong
I turn to face ahead of me and run as hard as I can
Another look behind me, the dragons huge wingspan
Lord help me through this, is all that I could think
Dragon’s claws cut through me, my heart begins to sink
The dragon is omnipotent, it’s hold I can’t release
The beating of my hurried heart just seemed to cease
A blurry moment, images through frosted glass
As long as it took to appear was how long it took to pass
And soon I look around midnight skies
Through your set of diamond eyes
