You were here when I took my first breath.
You were here when I took my first steps.
Even though we can’t see you doesn’t mean
that you’re not there.
You are there to pick me up every time I fall.
You are always here to make things clear.
Far or near you are always here.
By my side holding me close wiping away my tears.
Showing me how to come closer to you.
Please draw me near.
You are the one I count on.
You are the one I know will always be
with me no matter were I go.
So pull me near and let me feel that you
are there.
So come and wrap me in the safe place
you have for me.
You were here when I took my first breath.
You were here when I took my first steps.
You are the one I will always count on because
I know that you are always here be it far or near.
Copyright © 2008 Janell Cressman