Some relate their lives to us in pictures
I prefer to tell my life in words
Most draw upon the visions the images display
I draw upon the verses I have heard
The eloquence that floats among the verses
transcending me through endless time and space
in subtle imagery I can see a far off distant land
without ever having left my current place
I smile when I ponder this elation
and contemplate the world in which I dwell
If beauty’s in the eye of the beholder
In poetry I see it very well
I agree with you! Words are so profound and deliver all kinds of emotion to the reader. They tend to capture one’s thoughts and render the deepest feelings and put them out for all to see. They can take you to where you want to go, describe things that only you can see and they can render the best remembrances of where you have been. Your smile shows through your pen!
Thank you and I think you’re right. It makes me wonder if all who love poetry feel the same?
Nice work, writing words I think is actually easier than speaking them.
Thank you for your comment Rob. Maybe poetic minds just work better that way!