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The Tears Of A Pheonix

A girl born from shadows of things that were not,
Raised in a meadow where peppermint grows,
With dewdrops like diamonds, where it rains peridot,
She lives in a castle of ivy and rose.

So ancient and lovely it shouldn’t exist,
Here in the meadow grows only one tree,
With cinnamon branches that shiver and twist,
Hiding a secret from the Moon Maiden, she.

Here comes a time when a bird made of fire,
Descends from the skies painted cornflower blue,
So lovely is he, made of ash and desire,
That his brilliance dims the fair meadow from view.

She calls out his name and he flies to her, swift,
A suffering songbird with pain in his eyes,
In these eyes she watches the universe shift,
At her starry-eyed wonder, the firebird cries.

The tears of a phoenix extinguish his flame,
And all of the meadow returns in a flash,
Revealing a fire no water can tame,
Roses and peppermint blackened to ash.

The castle is crumbling as the ivy vines keel,
Smoke chokes out the sky as the hateful flames rage,
The cinnamon tree turns to dust to reveal,
A single, dead, rosebush, stems twisted with age.


Published inEpicFantasyLoveMainNatureOtherSorrow


  1. Well done. You have put me in a world that I dreamt about for years and have forgotten in my old age. Please checkout my poetry and comment. I would love yr opinion

  2. This is pure magic. Each shimmering, lilting line swept me away, then left me breathless. A very impressive journey.

  3. Nicely done, old soul. Your poems lately have almost seemed like exercises in style and rule, and, well, read like it. this one, too, but with a beauty and freshness which seems to be, (at least for now), your voice. this took me back to traditional fairy tale poetry I used to love as a child.

  4. I agree with the previous comments. A whirlwind of dreaming took over me as the images in your words unfolded. This beautiful musical poem definitely took me back to childhood with all it’s wonder. Well done! Hugs, Terri

    • thanks 🙂 I love being able to take people places through my writing, so I’m glad you went somewhere pleasant.

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