Its a common thing everyone has to experience often in their life.
It can be good.
Telling someone that the burner is hot or the water is cold.
It can be dangerous also.
A lone teen who is constantly numb.
Sometimes pain is the only feeling I can feel.
Its tempting but also short lived.
It can be so subtle.
A shower just a teensy bit hotter than hell.
A few too many Advil.
A few too many 4 hour nights sleeping.
A few too may times biting my knuckles til they bleed.
Skipping one meal, and then a next.
Hunger and exhaustion are pain.
But it doesn’t wake me up for long.
Thatz sad, foodz one of my favourite formz of beauty yo, all those tasty flavourz ha and if your into payne you should take up like boxing or kung fu or something and put those bloody knucklez to good use, but like in a productive way ha and if you get into it then youd have to eat to keep up