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(Yet nobody notice)



A suffocating kind of love makes

Living feels like a task.

As the pain that comes with it begins to overwhelm you,

 you start to ask yourself:

What is the point of feeling pain

For a love that is not there?

What is the point of weeping

When the one you love never gave you a chance?


Published inLoveMainSorrow


  1. Your words express common sense, yet the heart won’t
    listen to the mind. Well crafted.

    • There is always a battle between our heart and our mind. We know that logically things are wrong or that it is time to move on but our heart always focus on hope and that kills us. Without noticing we try to make things look like they aren’t because of the history and all the good memories but we forget that focusing on hanging on will slowly kill all the good. We make it a task to live in such way thinking that thigs could go back to the way it was forgetting that there is no going back. There is only looking back but not going back. It is humanly impossible to go back but we think that if we try hard enough we can get those same feelings back. He and I were friends. I felt for him and by doing so lost all the connections that I had with him. I wish that I wouldn’t have lost him but I did. He is the one that got away and it hurts. I still have the memories and I have the photographs to proofs that it was real and that I didn’t just imagine it. I am still full of him and there is no changing that but there is also no changing the fact that he ignores me or that I get the feeling that he feels bothered by me. He drove off and never said a word afterward. I kept trying to reach out but I am tired of feeling like a bother. If he needs something he knows where to find me and how to reach me. I will still love him and want him to be my friend. I wish to be there for him whether he needs me or not but I won’t try to reach out when I feel like for him I am only a bother. I truly wish he is happy though.

      Sorry for all this lol. The point is that we can’t always have what we want. Glad you enjoy it, or so I hope.

  2. No worries, sorry for taking long to reply.
    I was gone to visit my fam.

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