In this world some people will be persecuted for their faith
but some aren’t lying when they say they walk with God.
In life, love and truth are frequently misunderstood.
And just like their Savior before them, true believers are despised,
slandered, scorned, betrayed and sneered upon.
When people join to do battle against those, who truly walk with God
they end up battling the divine realm as well as God Himself.
The Savior came to this earth in peace as a sacrificial Lamb
but He will return triumphant as a roaring Lion wearing His crown.
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“Why do you look for the living among the dead?
He is not here, but has risen.” -Luke 24 :5
This question enables us to overcome the temptation to look back, to what was yesterday, and it spurs us on to the future. Jesus is not in the sepulcher, he is Risen!
“If you really knew me, you would know my Father as well.” -Jesus (Joh 14:7)
Happy Resurrection Day! (Easter) 🌱 🐣🌷 Sunday March 31, 2024
Brilliantly done Lumiere Just love it Check out my poem Good Friday on Poemhunter