Ah! ~ see them whirl ’round ne’er touch sky nor ground as the wind twirls hair of floss ’round and ’round they turn hands now…
Comments closedAh! ~ see them whirl ’round ne’er touch sky nor ground as the wind twirls hair of floss ’round and ’round they turn hands now…
Comments closedLike poetry joins me to you it’s essence links our deep love too. Babe, tight as caught breath you I hold. Your cry splits stars…
Comments closedWhen Goddess Aurora sprinkles your dew I’ll recall dreams of our peach clingstone day as five petal blossoms flutter away to return and ooze the…
Comments closedSh…sh…hush-hush forever yearning lost youth the now old, woman peeping and spying with Summers of love written clandestinely and secret drawer… sh…sh… silently opening memories…
Comments closedWe can reflect each and all beaming smiles and love magical moments everywhere coming and going, turning and mirroring around skies opalesce pools, glass prisms…
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